Balls on wires (insert inappropriate joke here)

This is a totally cute accent to add to a cake that costs very little and takes a reasonable amount of time.  The problem is, people often leave out a couple of important steps which can make them very frustrating.  Check out how I do it and see if it helps.

First, you need floral wire.  The wrapping on it helps keep the balls in place instead of sliding all over the place.

Balls on Wires 1

These needed to be curled wires, so I needed a dowel rod too.

Balls on wires 2

Take a wire and using needle nose pliers, bend the end into a hook.  This will help hold the ball in place also.

Balls on wires 3

After you make all of your fondant balls (which should be about the size of a pretzel M&M) string a ball onto the wire, pushing the hook at the opposite wire end deep into the center of the fondant.

Balls on wires 4

Then, wrap the wire around your dowel rod to curl it if that’s the desired look.

Balls on wires 5

Carefully slip it off of the wire.  I then put a little icing that matches the fondant color onto the open slit on top of the ball to help smooth it shut.

That’s it!  They add depth and fun to your cake!  The wires can be bent in many different ways to match the look of your cake.   This one was Cinco de Mayo themed, so spirals seemed the most fun.

Cinco de Mayo Cake and smash cake

Have fun, everyone!

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